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What is Sound Healing?

What is Sound Healing?


The ancient use of sound healing has been practiced for millennia and has been traced back through many traditions in Egypt, Ancient Greece, Tibet, China and many more. It is even thought that our root languages stemmed from recreating the sounds of life in the form of chanting, toning, mantras and song. Since the ancient sound of the gong is om/aum, the first sound of the universe from which all other sounds began, we can say that sound is the energy of creation.


As quantum physics teaches us, every particle, object, and organism in the universe has its own unique vibrational frequency including every cell, organ, and bone in the body. We also know that sound travels much faster through water than air. So, with the human body comprising of around 70% water; we happen to be very good conductors of sound. We don’t just hear sound with our ears, we feel it throughout all the cells in our bodies. This begins to explain the incredible healing power of sacred instruments such as the gong.  


We will cover the many benefits of sound healing shortly, but first let’s look at the basics of how the science-y bit works, using the principles of resonance and entrainment.  


The vibrational frequency of two objects in contact will frequently fall into sync. Such as if you tap a tuning fork, another fork with the same frequency will become activated and start vibrating. When vibrating at the same frequency this is called resonance.


Entrainment occurs when a vibration with a stronger resonance influences another causing the less powerful vibrations to lock into the vibration of the stronger source. Itzhak Bentov illustrated this phenomenon when he discovered that if you place several grandfather clocks on a wall with pendulums all swinging at different rates within a few hours all the pendulums will be swinging at the same speed.


Through the principle of resonance, it is possible to use sound to bring the body back into harmony. This is done by building layers upon layers of overtones and harmonics with the gongs to create a resonance and the power to entrain the body; manipulating the energy and tuning our energy field, as if it were a piano.


What can sound healing help with?


Not only do the gongs induce a deep state of relaxation which is beneficial for healing to occur, by bringing the body into a state of balance it is possible to;


Stimulate our immune response
Reduce stress & anxiety
Reduce Chronic Pain
Decrease heart rate and blood pressure
Synchronise brainwaves to the gong creating a meditative experience

Enhance connection to intuition or inner guidance

Promote restful and quality sleep



What to expect during a gong bath...


If you've read the first section you'll have worked out that there is in fact no water involved in a gong bath! Unless, of course you choose a glass of water (or tea) to drink. You will be bathed in the sound waves and the session is received fully clothed. I recommend to lay down. If it is a group event you will need to bring a mat of some sort (yoga, self-inflating, futon, zero gravity chair) along with a blanket and pillow. If it is a 1-2-1 session I will provide a cosy space with a choice of floor mat or treatment couch. 


We begin all sessions with a short meditation or grounding exercise before resting to the sound of the gongs and soak up the healing tones, literally and figuratively raising your vibration.


The most common experience is deep relaxation. We aim for this first and foremost. It is a time for you to rest and we bring you back to yourself, with no outside distractions. All that is required of you is to be present. How wonderful. 


As the gongs have a special power to bypass the thinking part of the brain, directly reach the cells and bring you into relaxation, you dont even need to be 'good at' meditation. I say it like this as this is a common myth that you need to be good at relaxing. Come as you are and we work with that. 


I use varying techniques adapted to your needs and play the instruments with an ear for changes in frequency when I may feel the need to step up the volume gently for a short period to clear any stagnant energy. 


You may experience sensations such as tingling, warmth, floating, or you may feel very little. Many people will fall asleep during treatments. Some even experience a dream-like or trance-like state but while still aware of their surroundings. 


Gong practitioners are not trained in diagnosis and will not predict any specific outcome from treatment as healing will be unique to you. If people are concerned about their symptoms they should see a doctor. If you have any outstanding medical conditions please check before booking as the gongs can interfere with pacemakers, epilepsy and other conditions.

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