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What is Reiki?


Promotes deep relaxation and helps to achieve a sense of balance.


Assists the body with recovery and its own natural self-healing process.


Calms the mind and can reduce feelings of stress, overwhelm and worry.


Improves overall emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

What is Reiki?


Reiki is a natural, safe and gentle healing technique which uses spiritual energy to treat a person as a whole; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It was originally founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century in Japan – the Japanese word Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is translated as ‘universal life energy’. Rei is translated as ‘sacred’, ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ and Ki is the ‘life-force energy’ which flows through all living things.


When this energy flows smoothly we experience a sense of balance and overall well-being. If our energy is low or blocked it can resonate as emotional or physical imbalances in the body.


A Reiki treatment is a gentle hands-on technique which channels the flow of Reiki energy that allows your body to heal itself holistically. It promotes stress-reduction, deep relaxation and complements all other conventional treatments so can work well to aid recovery. As it’s a non-intrusive treatment and with no known contra-indications, it can be used to treat anyone, under any circumstances.


Reiki also has no belief system or dogma attached to it; it is open to all backgrounds and faiths and is practised globally as a well-respected and recognised therapy.


The practice is taught by Reiki master teachers who have trained in the tradition transferred on from master to student, in person, during an attunement. There are three levels to Reiki; Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Teacher (occasionally split into Master and Teacher).​


How much Reiki would I need?


The healing is a process rather than an event and this process varies from person to person. In general, long standing issues may require treatment over a longer period than an acute issue.


If you find the treatments are beneficial, it is a good idea to continue with Reiki.


Discuss this with your practitioner who may suggest a single session may be enough or may feel a number of treatments close together, perhaps over several consecutive days would work best.


However, you are ultimately free to make the decision about your healing and spacing of treatments as you are responsible for your own wellbeing.


What to expect during a Reiki treatment...


Reiki treatments are very relaxing, gentle and supportive. Sessions tend to last between 30 to 60 minutes, and you can receive the Reiki treatment laying on a couch or sitting in a chair.


Your treatment is given fully clothed so choose clothes which are comfortable and that you can relax in.


​During the treatment, the practitioner places their hands gently on or near the front and back of the body in a series of predetermined, non-intrusive positions which correspond with energy points within the body. ​The whole person is treated rather than specific areas as the energy will flow to where it is needed most.


There is no massage or manipulation, so the touch is very gentle, light and comfortable.

You may experience sensations such as heat, coolness, tingling, or you may feel very little. Many people experience a sense of deep relaxation or fall asleep during treatments. You may feel tired afterwards but equally you may feel full of energy.


Reiki practitioners are not trained in diagnosis and will not predict any specific outcome from treatment as healing will be unique to you. If people are concerned about their symptoms they should see a doctor. 


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