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Visualise Your Dreams Into Reality

It's all too easy to write a handful of New Year's resolutions down as a to-do list or as a note on your phone, only to forget about it a few weeks later, perhaps even experience a change of heart with some of the goals you half-heartedly set. This is where a vision board works differently. Let me share my vision board steps with you and see if this helps you bring your goals closer to reality for you.

It's all about visualising clear intentions and bringing your own energetic frequency in line to meet that of the life you desire. There's science behind it too; so it's not just cutting and sticking for fun, although let's make it fun too!

Studies have shown that thought processes can trigger effects in the body by merely thinking about an event, activity or emotion. Our thoughts literally create our reality. When we visualise our goals as complete, we are bringing our vibration closer to the reality of these goals.

I have been using vision boards for several years and I can't wait to get started on the next one. It just so happens that this next one falls in line with New Year, although this isn't always the case and they can be done at any time during the year.

So what exactly is a vision board and how do I get started?

A vision board can be a digital or physical array of images, words and objects which represent your future desires. I'll be focussing on physical boards since this is what has worked for me, since I find I am more present and energetically aware when I am offline. Plus, you can always take a photograph of your physical vision board to store as a digital background.

Firstly, you're going to need to get clear about what you want, like what you really, really want. It may be health, love, abundance, success, freedom. Brainstorm your ideas to get a picture in your mind. If your thoughts are cloudy or unsettled it could be tricky so perhaps try a meditation to really feel into it. Remember, no goal is too big. You are worthy. These are your goals, not the goals or expectations from someone else.

Preparation comes next. Start collecting pictures, words and phrases from sources such as magazines, cards, brochures, or even Pinterest. The vision board is going to need to paint a vivid picture of what your future will look and feel like, so use emotive language and images which evoke strong emotions. If your future is to bring happiness for example, feel free to use a photograph of yourself when you were at your happiest. If it's a new car you desire, find a photo of the exact car - you must be specific when asking the universe for what you want!

It's not just about the material possessions. The board should represent your free time, your values and your surrounding community such as friends and connections. Include what you want it to look and feel like. From the view and interiors to your new house to the feelings you want to experience.

Now it's time to get creative. To help bring yourself into a creative flow, it could help to gather your candles, incense, crystals and other spiritual paraphernalia. Make space for you to focus your intent and connect to your true self. You'll need a thick and sizeable board or canvas. Cardboard works fine too.

I don't get too caught up on the layout for my board, instead, I get into a flow state and design freely as I go. You may prefer to plan a perfectly neat layout and that is fine also. What matters is the intent. So as you attach each item to the vision board, see yourself there and feel the emotion of this goal being complete. Feel the happiness as if this were truly your present reality. These feelings are going to be exactly what you evoke each time you revisit the board each day.

You can add crystals or other relevant objects to your board to build on the ideas you want to manifest. If you are attuned to Reiki you can seal the vision board with Reiki energy, for your highest and greatest good. I like to finish the creative session with a meditation and cacao.

Finally, place your wonderful vision board somewhere you can see it. Sit with it daily, even if just for a few minutes to revisit the emotions you created with it. Don't forget you are made of magic and are deserving of all good things!

Wishing you love, health and success for 2022 and beyond.


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